Temporary Insanity
Joshua Luis Pereira, William McCoy, Sierra Tanzi, & Rachel McCoy

Welcome to Temporary Insanity, where we delve into today's most pressing societal issues through the timeless lens of scripture. In 2 Corinthians 4:18, Paul reminds us that while the troubles of this world are temporary, our focus on eternal truths is enduring.
Join us as we tackle a wide range of topics — from navigating challenges within the church and political landscapes to dissecting cultural trends and national concerns. Through the wisdom of scripture and the insights of expert guests, we seek to provide guidance and perspective on overcoming the daily complexities we face.
Our goal is to equip you with tools rooted in Biblical principles and real-life experiences, empowering you to thrive amidst the uncertainties of our times.
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Latest Episodes
It Is Well With My Soul... Leaning Into God in Hard Times (Psalms 42)
Join us for a heartfelt exploration into finding peace and strength through faith during life's toughest trials. In this episode, we delve into the timeless hymn "It Is Well With My Soul" and its profound message of resilience in the face of adversity. Through personal stories and reflections, we di...
Go Therefore... Handle God's Business (Matthew 28:18)
In this episode, "Go Therefore... Handle God's Business," we dive deep into Matthew 28:18, exploring the profound call Jesus gave to his disciples to spread the Gospel to all nations. Join us as we discuss what it means to heed this call in today's insane times, how to overcome obstacles in sharing ...
The Siblings Take Over... Easter 2024
In this special episode, Josh and Rachel take over as Will and Sierra take the week off to focus on schoolwork. As the siblings go through the episode, they talk about Rachel's new show "Caffeinated Faith", their childhood, and most of all the true significance of Good Friday and Easter Sunday. This...

Joshua Luis Pereira
I've Created This Podcast Based on Today's Insanity.
I'm a minister, husband, father, son, business owner (entrepreneur), but most importantly a man of God, at least I try to be. It is getting hard these days to navigate our relationship with God, to keep the principals of our faith, with all the insanity that surrounds us. That is why I have started this podcast.
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It Is Well With My Soul... Leaning Into God in Hard Times (Psalms 42)

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